Saturday, July 9, 2011

Is Physical Activity the Key to Never-ending Youth?

Compared to many other countries - whether developed or not - Americans tend to be obsessed with anti-aging methods. Some prefer to use surgical means, while others feel more comfortable relying on natural or holistic remedies. According to Wikipedia, the fountain of youth is a spring that reportedly restores the youth of anyone who drinks the waters. Some versions say that youth is restored as one takes a dip in the waters of the fountain of youth.

Doctors and other health care professionals recommend several courses of action to maintain optimal health which in turn slows the aging process. Common suggestions include, but are not limited to, maintaining a skincare regimen which includes daily sun protection, not just during summer months, eating a healthy diet and engaging in physical activities such as cardiovascular exercise, weight training, yoga, Pilates, intramural sports and/or martial arts.

Is physical activity the 'fountain of youth'? Walk into any Las Vegas gym and it's clear that despite the fact that Las Vegas is the 4th ranked fattest city in America, gym memberships are being sold at a staggering rate. Many people tend to feel lethargic and tired when they miss out on their workouts, sometimes depression sets in when more time is spent sitting on the couch than being active. Many people feel younger when they exercise regularly.

There is a billboard that can be seen on the I-15 southbound ramp. The man pictured is in his 70s, but has the body of a 40 year old. His claim: his physical activity has successfully slowed his body's aging process. While it's possible that this man engages or participates in many of the vices that exist in 'Sin City', it's clear that he is very active physically, this it appears his 'fountain of youth' is flowing in abundance.

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