Sunday, July 17, 2011

Nutrition 101

I definitely did not get set up last Sunday. So I'm going to try again this week...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Yoga pose of the day!

It's been a long week, why don't you relax into Savasana or Corpse Pose. Savasana, pronounced (shah-VAHS-anna), is a restorative pose that helps to relieve stress and brings calmness to the practitioner. To get into the pose, lie supine or on your back. Close your eyes. Relax your face; relax your tongue to the floor of your mouth. Allow your shoulders to melt into your mat. Arms fall by your sides; palms face up. Keep the natural curve in your spine. Your glutes and legs are melted into the mat. Heels are closer together so that your feet fall open. Savasana helps to reduce headaches, fatigue, high blood pressure and insomnia. When you are ready to come out of the posture, inhale your arms overhead stretching and lengthening your spine. Slowly roll over to your right side. Bring your knees to your chest and use your left hand to help push your upper body up. Slowly rise to your feet.

Friday, July 15, 2011

TGIF: Thank GOD it's Friday!

God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can. And Wisdom to know the difference.

Are you in acceptance of the things you cannot change? Are you tapping into the courage that resides within you to change the things that are actually in your control? Finally, are you utilizing the wisdom that you have so that you know the difference?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

My eco-find of the week!

I love, love, love my Preserve's amazing! It gets my teeth clean while it minimizes the negative impact on the environment. Each Preserve toothbrush is made from 100% recycled #5 plastic. They are also 100% recyclable, in fact, they come with a prepaid mailing label so that you may mail them in where they will be repurposed and brought back to life! They are BPA-free and made in the USA. The colors are vibrant and fun, allowing you to do two important things...keep your teeth minty fresh and healthy and love the earth! The more I read about these toothbrushes, the more I love them!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Random personal training info that's good for you...

Some of my friends from the yoga studio would tell me about something called a foam roller. They touted its benefits and my response was always the same, "I'll look into that." But as we know, I suffer from a case of sloth, so I never did...until to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) two-day workshop in April at the Tropicana. We covered the delicious goodness that comes from a foam roller.

Self-myofascial release is a stretching technique that focuses on the neural system and fascial system in the body (or, the fibrous tissue that surrounds and separates muscle tissue). By applying gentle force to an adhesion or "knot," the elastic muscle fibers are altered from a bundled position (that causes the adhesion) into a straighter alignment with the direction of the muscle or fascia.

When I "foam rolled" the "knots" I found on/in my calves, IT band, adductors, piriformis and lats, I laughed...literally. I tend to laugh when I'm in pain. It was painful, but the good kind of pain. My fascia was breaking apart which is the good news. So out of pain, comes good. That usually seems to be the case anyway. I realized a few things (a) sometimes my friends know what they are talking about and (b) that I am a convert. So, the key takeaway here is that I encourage you to get your own foam roller...even though I still need to order mine!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What is Yin yoga?

Yin yoga has the same goals and objectives as any other school of yoga; however, it directs the stimulation normally created in the asana portion of the practice deeper than the superficial or muscular tissues (which we call the yang tissues). Yin yoga targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones and joints of the body that normally are not exercised very much in a more active style of asana practice.

Suitable for almost all levels of students, Yin yoga is a perfect complement to the dynamic and muscular (yang) styles of yoga that emphasize internal heat, and the lengthening and contracting of our muscles. Yin yoga generally targets the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis and lower spine.

The Yin schedule at Vegas Hot! Yoga & Pilates is as follows: Mon-Thurs 830-10pm, Fri 2-330pm, Sat 7-830pm and Sun 1030am-12pm. Come get your stretch on!

Monday, July 11, 2011

10 Superfoods that Have a Positive Impact on Youth and Aging

Superfoods are foods that deliver a powerful 1-2 punch nutritionally. For example, they may be low in calories and high in fiber content. Or they are fortified with vitamins and minerals and low in refined sugars and saturated fats.

Despite medical technology and the ability to have plastic surgery and various cosmetic procedures, every day that passes adds another day to life. Many people try to incorporate common sense strategies to maintain optimal health which can effectively slow the aging process. One of these strategies is to eat a healthy diet of clean foods that deliver significant nutritional value.

The following are a list of 10 superfoods that can slow down aging and deliver significant health benefits:
  1.  Low-fat or fat-free yogurt because it is high in calcium, plus it usually contains a significant amount of protein and potassium.
  2. Eggs are amazing because they are versatile, cheap and chockfull of protein.
  3. Nuts may be high in fat, but it's good, heart-healthy fat which can actually help lower cholesterol so you're in the clear. Think moderation even though nuts add value because of their protein, high fiber, and antioxidants.
  4. Kiwis are also full of antioxidants and they are an excellent source of potassium, fiber, and a decent source of vitamin A and vitamin E.
  5. Quinoa is now readily available, high in protein, fiber, and iron. It's an interesting, old-school grain.
  6. Beans are the magical fruit...they contain protein, carbs, magnesium and potassium. They provide insoluble fiber which helps to lower cholesterol and soluble fiber which keeps you full for longer.
  7. Salmon has a high omega-3 fatty acid content which benefits your heart. Plus, this fish will help your skin and hair glow...naturally.
  8. Broccoli tastes good, is able to be prepared in many ways and is widely available. Eat it raw or steamed and you'll get your vitamin A, vitamin C, and bone-building vitamin K, plus some fiber to fill you up and help control your weight.
  9. Sweet potatoes are loaded with vitamin C, calcium, and potassium. They make great baked can put away the salt because their natural flavor is amazing.
  10. Berries are high in antioxidants, phytonutrients, low in calories and provide just enough sweet deliciousness so that you drop the bag of candy and dig into the berries instead.
Bon appetit!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Nutrition 101: Planning meals for the week

My struggle is sloth. I thought that that word didn't apply to me until I was told otherwise. When I looked it up in the dictionary I realized that I am very lazy in some respects. Whoopsie. That said, I'm working hard in this area of my life and would like to turn over a new leaf. I am going to plan out my meals for the week! Kathy Kaehler has an amazing program called Sunday Set-Up where you set-up your meals for the week on Sundays. Fail to plan, plan to fail...I want to avoid that if possible! I am going to utilize this easy-to-follow program and report my progress in a week!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Is Physical Activity the Key to Never-ending Youth?

Compared to many other countries - whether developed or not - Americans tend to be obsessed with anti-aging methods. Some prefer to use surgical means, while others feel more comfortable relying on natural or holistic remedies. According to Wikipedia, the fountain of youth is a spring that reportedly restores the youth of anyone who drinks the waters. Some versions say that youth is restored as one takes a dip in the waters of the fountain of youth.

Doctors and other health care professionals recommend several courses of action to maintain optimal health which in turn slows the aging process. Common suggestions include, but are not limited to, maintaining a skincare regimen which includes daily sun protection, not just during summer months, eating a healthy diet and engaging in physical activities such as cardiovascular exercise, weight training, yoga, Pilates, intramural sports and/or martial arts.

Is physical activity the 'fountain of youth'? Walk into any Las Vegas gym and it's clear that despite the fact that Las Vegas is the 4th ranked fattest city in America, gym memberships are being sold at a staggering rate. Many people tend to feel lethargic and tired when they miss out on their workouts, sometimes depression sets in when more time is spent sitting on the couch than being active. Many people feel younger when they exercise regularly.

There is a billboard that can be seen on the I-15 southbound ramp. The man pictured is in his 70s, but has the body of a 40 year old. His claim: his physical activity has successfully slowed his body's aging process. While it's possible that this man engages or participates in many of the vices that exist in 'Sin City', it's clear that he is very active physically, this it appears his 'fountain of youth' is flowing in abundance.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Thank GOD it's Friday!


The winds of change blow through our life, sometimes gently, sometimes like a tropical storm. Yes, we have resting places - time to adjust to another level of living, time to get our balance, time to enjoy the rewards. We have time to catch our breath.

But change is inevitable, and desirable.

Sometimes, when the winds of change begin to rustle, we're not certain the change is for the better. We may call it stress or a temporary condition, certain well be restored to normal. Sometimes, we resist. We tuck our head down and buck the wind, hoping that things will quickly calm down, get back to the way things were.

Is it possible we're being prepared for a new "normal"?

Change will sweep through our life, as needed, to take us where we're going.

We can trust that our Source has a plan in mind, even when we don't know where the changes are leading.

We can trust that the change taking place is good.

The wind will take us where we need to go.

Today, help me, God to let go of my resistance to change.

Help me be open to the process.

Help me believe that the place I'll be dropped off will be better than the place where I was picked up. Help me to surrender, trust and accept, even if I don't understand.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My eco-find of the week!

When I was away at my Holy Yoga retreat just outside of Minneapolis, a friend was selling pendants that were old Scrabble pieces! I got one that said the Serenity Prayer, one that had a yogini practicing yoga in purple (my favorite color!) and finally one that said the word 'peace' on it. I've gotten them for girlfriends as gifts and I even bought another one for myself that says 'namaste' on it. Visit Etsy and do a search of Home Studio to get your own pendant! You'll love them...I do!